Ara Mgrdichian/AKM

An horrific and treacherous poisoning propaganda of the most heinous and highest sort has been deployed and engaged lo’ these many years, in the Homeland and Diaspora, to soften the hard targets of Armenian national interests, identity, and, most importantly, the individual and organizational stalwart men and women who sacrifice, each day, for the sake of Armenia and Armenians.

The familiar contextualization of half-truths, proto-truths, and outright lies bent into projected reality (the foundation of all advertising) to which many have, it seems, become comfortably immune in many areas of their personal and collective lives, is at the core and crux of the soft power Psy-Ops (psychological operations) and Spin (intentional bias placed on news or narratives) that has targeted and mutilated Armenian cultural consciousness.

Taking information and statements out of context, omitting innumerable important facts and actual truths, feelings, and emotions from so-called “reporting,” “news” and “analysis,” is all par for an advanced course in strategic culture cultivation and control, all with an eye towards disempowering indigenous people and diminishing their lands and resources.

And, when all of this is done in the voice and visage of the poster children (read: advance force) for rampant, merciless, violent, foreign and/or local corporate, clan, and/or individual interests–whether those be the archetypes of the “attractive, vacuous commentator;” “the avuncular academic;” “the good Armenian (or Turk),” “the sincere politician;” or “the truthful investigative journalist” (each with their “even-keeled,” “caring,” and oh-so-authentically “objective” meanderings)–these deadliest of cultural killers and narrative-makers wreak havoc upon the psyches and social fabric of all they encounter.

The deadly-democracy gambits and not-so-civil-society projects often lead and tread by representatives, contractors, and/or operators of foreign intelligence agencies or their front groups, have run roughshod-ruin over every country they have ever entered during not only the many tragic Arab and other Springs of recent memory, but a long list of wasted winters of destruction implemented throughout the middle east and the world.

Whether the perpetrators be USAID, the British Council, and myriad NGOs or the “venerable” New York Times, NPR, BBC, PBS, CNN, Radio Liberty, as well as a massive proliferation of (social) media players, foreign, Armenian, and questionably funded, the stymieing effects of their activities upon national consciousness and, consequentially, programmatic action for the sake of Armenian national interests in real world and virtual settings is staggering.

This deliberate, strategic narrative building by expert operators–selectively in real world spaces and completely in virtual social spaces–cultivates, often without the outright knowledge of its “followers,” a feigned authenticity for the lies and subsequent actual injustices heralding the coming of a democracy (read: death) to us, and bloody profits to its harbingers.

Pretending a parity of suffering, but always and subtly nudging (read: pushing) the viewer/consumer/target towards empathy for murderers and traitors—Azeri, Turkish, Israeli, European, and turncoat Armenian—instead of their victims, the Human Rights Champions of the World never address the continuous genocide and killing of indigenous people (in this case read: Armenian) and destruction of all things cultural (again, read: Armenian), and, instead, aim to seal the vault of memory from the open field of action for indigenous Armenian national interests—also known as our very survival.

This is just the tip of the spear (not iceberg) aimed at the very heart of Artsakh, Armenia and all Armenians…

It is a shame that these shameful acts of nuanced and not so nuanced propaganda against our nation, from on high and implemented on low, continue without so much as a nod of acknowledgment from our beleaguered, murdered, and still cognitively dissonant government and swaths of our people as they welcome, again and again, the rewriting of their histories, the mythification of reality, and the brainwashing of their own as their/our world collapses.

This is true in the Homeland as well as in the diaspora wherein foreign assets bearing Armenian names are knowingly and unknowingly tearing asunder the very fabric of national identity and national unity even in the most sacrosanct of individual and collective cultural and organizational spaces, at the most fateful of times.

The best lie is truth—rather, a truth, a part truth, which becomes a great lie that reeks of a generic, televisual narrative of truth that serves the enemy and their allies.

The true monsters—the Grendels and Gollums—of this world are preparing, once again, for a New World Order of great magnitude and girth, and the sacrifice for that order, again, is Armenia and Armenians…

Part of getting ready for this new world order is preparing generations that will not only not remember the past and the truth, but will never know it in the first place, and, moreover, will feel no power in doing anything about the critical present and endangered future.

These modern day tyrants, with their minions and machinations, have created demographics so Instagrammatically skewed and hungry to be part of a shiny, dead, zombie world that the victims do not even recognize that these soft power plays, their murderous videos, images, and people and personages, often disguised as journalists, experts, influencers, and purveyors of aid and benign-seeming goods and services, are the precursors to the kind of “democracy” (read: indentured servitude and exploitation) foisted upon many ancient peoples of the world of which we are the last father trying hard not to become fodder for filthy, globalist, mind-numbing, history-forgetting, consumer-creating, embracing-the-vampire canons of destruction…

Need examples?

Just look around the world and to your own host/ghost country… Never forget what happened and is still happening to the indigenous (American Indian) great nations of the Americas for the sake of wealth and power and resources… Or, us, the regular citizens of this land, now, for that matter….

Look at the Serbs in the Balkans, or heroic peoples in the destroyed Middle East or Africa or anywhere and everywhere around the globe, including in this great land of destruction…

The genocides of today are brought to you by the genocide architects of yesteryear…

This is the hard and soft power bloody narrative building, the massaging and massacring, the molding of semiotic code and humanity into the language of the objective documentary and real bloody profits: the thoughtful news–the truth–that you love and trust and watch so much, reeking of authenticity and parity, forced into an all too real and fatal reality, landing us smack dab in the middle of being rape victims over and over again…

This is nothing new, this feigned emotion and empathy for all human suffering spewing from variegated commentators and pundit-politicos owned and shown by merciless corporate cannibals who create all human suffering while attempting to flatten the narrative of Armenian (and human) self-preservation that struggles, not only against one murderous enemy, but multiple enemies large and small…

Don’t underestimate your enemies—they have been expending great resources blatant and subtle—human, financial, material, and cultural–to destroy us for a very long time and always right under our very noses…

It is time to unravel the web of deceit, destruction, and dissonance—cognitive and otherwise–foisted upon us by others (including traitorous Armenians) and allowed by our own softened selves, that constitutes the representational codic mutation of culture and polity that precedes the collapse of frameworks of mores and values that have otherwise buttressed Armenian identity and consciousness inside and outside the Homeland for millennia.

It is time to call things by their actual names, no matter what…

And, the first step in this process of shedding the yolk of manipulation and oppression is to unlearn the lies and untruths that have plagued us and to learn (and never forget) our true histories, values, and our particular place in this world–who we are and what we–and the Armenian Highland–truly represent.

Yes, we must never underestimate our enemies, but we never, ever must underestimate ourselves and the stalwarts of our nation who despite all the horrors, endured and to come, shall still rise up to strike with great might our enemies, external and internal.

Do not misconstrue silent preparation for sleep… Nine months of gestation is the price of birth and one always must dismantle one world to be born into another…
